Did Apple just signal a big shift in gaming? Plus other trends, strategies, and more | TBOF newsletter #3

July 15 · Nick Schultz · 3 Min read
Stay informed on mobile ad revenues, UA strategies, direct ad sales, scaling SKAN campaigns, and Apple's Vision Pro in TBOF Newsletter #3.
The Business of Fun newsletter

Welcome to The Business of Fun newsletter #3! 

This edition is packed with plenty of insights for you to read, listen to, and watch. Assuming you’ve finished Succession and have time to spare for professional growth, these resources will help you become an even better mobile revenue professional.

Ready? Let’s do it.

Read: Emerging trends in mobile game ad revenues

This piece covers winning strategies, successful categories, and global ad revenue trends, unveiling the secrets to success in mobile game ad revenues. 

Discover how hybrid monetization strategies can maximize revenue and provide stability in a dynamic market. Plus, find out the most successful app categories for ad monetization and understand the global reach of ad revenues. 

As we’d say after serving you a tasty meal: dig in!


Listen: UA strategies with ASO

Episode 4 of TBOF podcast with VP of B2B Marketing at mavens, Jonathan Fishman, and Anton Tatarynovich, Senior ASO and ASA Manager at Freeletics, dives into the world of app store optimization, from humble beginnings to rockstar discipline, which now demands a front-row seat in UA strategies. 

They talk conversion rates optimization for games, the power of custom product pages, in-app events and promotional content with huge potential for enhancing user engagement and driving growth, the role of AI in ASO, and much more. 

This podcast is so full of valuable talking points, a summary doesn’t do it justice. 

Grab your listening device of choice and hit ▶️.


Bookmark: The advantages and disadvantages of direct ad sales 

If you’ve been toying with the idea of in-app advertising for your mobile game, one option is direct ad sales. It allows publishers to work directly with advertisers, offering increased revenue potential and control over ad placements and formats. 

However, direct ad sales requires additional effort, specialized skills, and dedicated resources. 

This article covers the pros, cons, and best practices, including identifying the right advertisers, pricing ad inventory appropriately, delivering compelling sales pitches, offering value-added services, providing transparent reporting, and fostering long-term relationships.

Take the “direct” route to the article here.


Watch: How to scale SKAN campaigns on Meta

In our recent webinar, “Scaling SKAN Campaigns on Meta,” a group of industry experts from Zynga, Singular, mavens, and Meta discuss the many marketing strategies and opportunities on Facebook using SKAN, as well as the best ways to start implementing the SKAN 4.0 features into a mobile marketing strategy.

The full recording is ready when you are.


Discuss: Did Apple just signal a big shift in games?

Apple’s WWDC returned last week, attracting 2M viewers eager to watch the offerings unfold. 

Stealing the spotlight (and every news feed since) was the Vision Pro, a VR/AR headset launching with 100-plus Apple Arcade titles and Unity-based game support. 

Could this device be a strategic move to drive demand for gaming content? Does it hint at Apple’s commitment to growing a library of gaming experiences specifically designed for its ecosystem? Or is it a way to inspire other industry leaders to invest more heavily in the field? 

A senior reporter at MacRumors tweeted:

Time will tell. 


Thanks for reading y’all. Catch you next time.