What are App Store Total Downloads?
The “App Store Total Downloads” metric is a combination of the “App Store First Time Downloads” and “App Store Redownloads” metrics.
As such, it tallies all downloads of your app and presents them as a single number. It’s a useful metric, not least of which because Apple allows developers to segment the data.
For example, you can view “Total Downloads” information by territory, device, and source, i.e. the links users use to find and download your apps in the Apple App Store. There are five source types that Apple recognizes: App Store Browse, App Store Search, App Referrers, Web Referrers, and App Clips.
To view and segment “Total Downloads” data for your app(s), login to App Store Connect. Then visit the Metrics tab and click “Total Downloads”. Finally, click the date range you want to view download information in.