What is OEM Advertising?
OEM stands for original equipment manufacturer, i.e., a company that manufactures its own devices in its own factories. In the mobile industry, Samsung and LG are Android OEMs.
OEM advertising allows app marketers to advertise on OEM devices. This can happen through direct partnerships or via third parties, such as Aura and App Samurai.
Ever wondered why the Facebook and Amazon apps come pre-installed on some mobile phones? How about the Weather App? It’s because these apps have partnered with OEM devices to increase their user bases. Here’s the good news: you can partner with them, too!
Advantages of OEM Advertising
Once you invest in OEM advertising for your app, you’ll be able to partner with OEMs, increase your app’s user base, and, ultimately, boost your company’s revenue potential.
The question is, how do you take advantage of this amazing opportunity? Currently, the easiest way is to partner with a third party, like Aura and App Samurai, as mentioned above.