Proceeds per paying users

What are Proceeds Per Paying Users? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.
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What are Proceeds Per Paying Users?

The “Proceed Per Paying Users” metric measures the average amount of money you’ll receive for each of your app’s paying users.

It’s important to realize that “Sales” and “Proceeds” are not the same thing. “Sales” refers to the amount of money your app generates within a specific time frame. “Proceeds” refers to the amount of money you’ll receive from your sales, minus Apple’s fee and applicable taxes, within a specific time frame. To learn your app’s Proceeds Per Paying Users ratio on your own, choose a date range.

Then divide your app’s total number of paying users by the amount of money you’ll actually receive from your sales within your chosen date range. Here’s the official formula: Proceeds Per Paying Users = [Number of Paying Users] / [Proceeds Your App Has Generated].

If, for example, your app has 1,000 paying users in January and you’re set to receive proceeds of $1,000 for the month, your Proceeds Per Paying Users ratio will be one. Once you know how much a paying user is worth to your company, you can brainstorm ways to improve this figure—better marketing campaigns, new in-app purchases, etc.

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